OK, so I've unmold everything from yesterday. The milk soaps came out really
nice. There is a really big
difference of the colors between gelled and not gelled. The non gelled soaps are a creamy color
while the gelled soaps where more brown.
I'll post photos. The
plastic bubble wrap left a texture that is really cool. The gelled soap is much harder than the non gelled. I probably should have left the non
gelled in their molds until tomorrow, but I couldn't wait. I had to pop them out. They are so soft the I dare not cut
into them tonight, I was afraid I'd squish them just moving them around. The gelled one I probably could cut,
but I think I'll leave them until tomorrow. The gelled milk soaps with honey is darkest. The sugar in the honey makes the saponification run hotter which carmelizes more of the sugars so darker color. The non gelled
soaps all have the same creamy color. I'm not
sure which color I like better.
The cream is nice, but the tan color is also nice especially for the
honey one. Hmm… I'll need to think about that one. But that is why I wanted to see the difference between gel and
non gel. I usually gel all my
soaps, but I wanted to see the difference in milk and honey soaps. There is a faint ammonia smell which I'm told is normal with milk soaps and will fade with curing. I don't think I really smell any of the honey, but there is a slight nuttiness as well.
So that's
the good news…
The bad news.
My confetti soap. I was so
excited to see this soap because it was in a 1/2 gallon milk carton so I
thought I'd cut them into triangles.
Then because they are filled with trimmings from my other soaps I was
interested to see how they turned out all together. Well, it looked interesting I think I put too many trimmings
in though. I think it would look
better with more base batter an less confetti. But anyway, when I cut into it there were pockets of lye
water oozing. #$%@&*$!! No one wants caustic soap! I did the lick test to make sure it
wasn't just oil seeping out.
Zap! Tingly tongue. So no, it's definitely
lye. So then I cut it up and threw
it all into a crock pot to rebatch.
Rebatching will soften the soap and heat it to go back into a gel phase
where the lye can find more oil and get used up. When I scoop the gooey mass into a mold later it should no
longer be caustic. So it's
cooking away now. I have no idea
what is going to come out now.