Soap fairies and gremlins visit soap makers and make a nuisance of themselves. They make things so wrong, they distract you and throw monkey wrenches into the process. They don't do anything serious, but they sure do make a nuisance!
Well, the soap fairies and gremlins were in full force at my house today. I made 4 one pound batches today. All the same recipe, but different fragrances. I was trying out 4 new fragrances from a different supplier.
1. Kai – a nice refreshing tropical floral
2. Toffee Sugar Crunch – a dupe of Lush's Honey I Washed the Kids – a light sweet honey floral
3. Invigorating – a refreshing Lemongrass, citrus floral
4. Kazi Kazi – a dupe of Lush's Karma – spicy patchouli citrus
Toffee Sugar Crush and Kazi Kazi worked out just fine. No weird discoloration to acceleration. Well, actually, a purple colorant that I used for Toffee Sugar Crush turned pink instead, but that was minor.
Kai and Invigorating had issues. As soon as I put Kai fragrance oil into the batch the batter SEIZED! Everything just hardened up and I had soap on a stick (it hardened around the spatula). No time to color, I had to grab the slow cooker and throw the batch in and do Hot Process (HP). Invigorating fo discolored to a honey color as soon as it hit the batter. I had added Titanium Dioxide a white colorant in my hopes of getting a whiter bar, I was going to use a snowflake mold. Anyway the batch turned a peachy tan color despite the white colorant. Then the batter started to seize. I debated, should I just try and push the seized batter into the molds? I did at first, then later once I had cleaned the slow cooker to just throw it in and HP it. I'm not the biggest fan of HP. You get really rustic looking soap, which is fine, but I like the smooth pour of Cold Process.
Then to make matters worse, the plastic handle to my spatula snapped apart, right in the middle of making the 2nd batch. So I had to make the remaining batches using a spatula with a short stubby broken handle. Then when I was cleaning the slow cooker (which is a really old one I got handed down from mom) one of the three feet on the bottom broke off!! So it's all wonkey. I guess I could glue it back on with silicone or something, but man, why does it all happen all at once?!
I guess it could have been worse. I didn't dump an entire batch onto the floor or onto myself. I didn't have any lye burns or anything like that. But still not what I expected to happen at all today. I still have Invigorating cooking in the slow cooker, and the other batches are put away, to be unmolded and cut tomorrow.