So here's a photo of my second and third lotion batches. Remember the first one had the cider vinegar in it. I'm not sure I'm going to keep that one around. If you can get over the vinegary smell the lotion is quite nice, and cider vinegar is supposed to be a good tonic for the skin, but it's got a potent vinegar smell. This might appeal to other people, but not to me. Frankly, I can make it without vinegar so why should I waste time using something I don't really like.
So my second batch was the OOH lotion (sans vinegar) called so because it has Olive Oil and Honey in it (I like how that acronym works out). This recipe I got off of the internet and it's a really nice one. Very thick and creamy.
The next batch I tweaked a facial cream recipe I found. I tweaked it to products I had on hand. This one is a little looser in consistency, but I think that's because I accidentally put in a little too much aloe vera juice. This cream is a little lighter in consistency and feel than the OOH lotion which actually works out well for a facial cream/lotion.
The packaging: I got some of these Malibu/Tottle tubes, printed labels on vellum paper and ran them through my Zyron sticker maker. I think they are simple labels, but they came out looking great!
So, now I'm testing. I'm using the OOH lotion on my body and the Facial Cream on my face. I have pretty normal skin on my body and oily skin on my face.